Coaching for Change

Change is hard, but for most people at some point necessary. People will need support with this process. They’ll need a coach. If you're a manager who is facing challenges in implementing change in your organization, the "Coaching for Change" article published in the Harvard Business Review in September 2019 can provide valuable insights and guidance.

The article suggests that coaching can help you navigate the complexities of change by providing you with a safe and confidential space to reflect on your leadership style and identify areas for improvement. Coaching can also assist you in developing the skills, mindset, and behaviors needed to lead change effectively.

Organizations that invest in coaching for their leaders are more likely to successfully implement change and stay ahead of the competition. Coaching can also help leaders create a culture of continuous improvement, where change is embraced as an opportunity for growth.

In conclusion, the authors suggest that coaching for change should be a critical component of leadership development programs. It can help leaders develop the skills, mindset, and behaviors needed to navigate change successfully and create a culture of continuous improvement in their organizations.

Full article can be found here:


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